I'd reduced my time browsing FB since married. Usually i am letting the FB apps login until I'd discovered that FB was the contributing factor that drained my phone's battery. Alas, the main factor was to avoid jealousy.
Despite of being happy in married life, yet i am or should i say we are, keen of having a children. Or lots. Five maximum, three minimum.
I restraint myself for not login to FB. Restraint myself for seeing other people enjoyment by expecting a children, having a children, updating status about their children. I am not mad at them yet I am gratefull for the rahmah and rizq that sent by Him to them that our turn yet to be.
Turning to the 5 months of married life, long distance relationship, emotionally depressed, family issues. The list would go on. However, the counting was nothing compared to other married couple that expecting the same that probably was much more longer than me and there are some not distine for having any.