Big Family of Internal Audit Department

Rasa ragu-ragu

Dari Ibn Mas'ud r.a. bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,

'Sesungguhnya syaitan ada bisikan di hati anak Adam. Dan Malaikat juga ada bisikannya. Bisikan syaitan itu ialah dorongan supaya melakukan kejahatan dan mendustakan kebenaran. Bisikan malaikat pula menggalakkan kebaikan dan meyakini kebenaran. Oleh itu sesiapa yang terasa bisikan yang baik di dalam hatinya, maka ketahuilah ia dari Allah dan hendaklah bersyukur kepada Allah. Dan sesiapa yang terasa bisikan yang satu lagi (bisikan kejahatan) maka hendaklah ia meminta perlindungan Allah dari angkara syaitan."

(Riwayat Tarmizi dan An Nassai).

Dan bila rasa ragu-ragu itu timbul dalam hati, kadang-kadang saya rasa kalah dengan bisikan syaitan. Cuba menguatkan diri untuk semahunya tidak memikirkan perkara ragu-ragu itu. Ahh, berpegang atas dasar bahawa kita ini manusia biasa. Saya cuba perbaiki diri.
Kadang-kadang menangis sendirian, memikirkan perkara ragu-ragu. Sebab hanya takut penyesalan di kemudian hari. Dengan itu, hari-hari saya pohon pada Yang Maha Mendengar. Dikuatkan pegangan diri, rasa hati, hikmah untuk berfikir dan bertindak, ditabahkan hati dan dipermudahkan perjalanan untuk menghadapi segala dugaan dan rintangan menuju ke jalan itu.

Seperti kata dia, 'be strong'.

Dan sampai satu tahap, saya rasa kekuatan saya adalah dia sebenarnya.

P/s: Mana kekuatan kamu yang lama, fara?

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

First step - Passed !

He passed :)
Being accepted by the king and queen.

And there it goes nervous for me.

The second step.

Hope that I can get through it.

May He ease the way.

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

South Korea in Memory~

South Korea Trip | 03 - 08 June 2013
Nur Aishah Abd Hamid | Jehan Jamian | Noratiqah Kamsani | Siti Farahiyah Radzali

woman and overthinking

couldn't be separated.
thinking of petty things,
and overreacted on small things.

there we go, the man.
will subdue the woman.
ease the situation.
giving comforting words.
hearing the disgruntlement.
thats why, man and woman is created together. to complement each other.

Pemeringkatan dua kali

Hasil usaha sama Korea dan grading FFB.
- -")
Melanin kulit melakukan pemeringkatan dua kali.
Dan hasilnya, dua kali gelap.
Dia kata,
Saya nampak agak silau~
Hurm. Mentang-mentang la dia putih ala-ala k-pop. :D


To reorganize.
Set the focus.
Be on track.

The hectic life,
- Audit visits
- South Korea trip
- Spend time with luv
- Spend time families
- Spend time with dear friends

Yeeahhhh !!

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

It's killing me

Sweetness of him.
The tenderness,

Made me high~

May He ease the way towards a good ending.

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Left behind

The feeling of being left behind,

Hurt me most.

I repeat, HURT ME MOST.

Please don't made me promise that I'm not going go near them again.

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone


Plan as it name - PLAN
Could be as expected, could be not.

And for critical time.
We can't expect all plan to be as it is.
As it was made as it is.
Couldn't know the certainty,
Depends on occasions, luck and availability.

Personally, in this cases.
One shouldn't blame one person for every single thing that not as per plan.
Should be settle down together.
And reconsider others substitute plan.

United we stand, devided we fall.

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone


This Blog is the original thought of the writer. Any dissatisfaction will not be entertain.