
I'm having sore throat. So far no sign of flu and fever. Pray hard not infected to those. Preventive action, clinic medicine-check. Sore throat medicine-check. Tamarind drink-check. Cap badak drink-check. And my so-called-dinner. 

Can't pamper myself to hubby though. :(


It's 1230 am. I must get some sleep. Sunday is a working day for me. It must be the quick nap in days effect. Or too much absorbing things today. Calling the husband, just to say that i miss him badly. Misses his voice and jokes. Misses his present. No other intention.

I should get some sleep. Quite a big day tomorrow and also the day after tomorrow. Pray that all will smoothly in the track. I should get some sleep. To shoo away the light headache that's came to me. Came in this late evening. 

I should go to sleep. The stomach had woke up. Calling for food. I decided to only fullfill the stomach's wish tomorrow. Yeah, breakfast. 

I should go to sleep. It's getting late. Let alone the world and its problem. Should continue picking up those tomorrow. Now, to set aside the mess up and live happy and freely. 

Heat and Hate

Obviously those two words bring negative meaning. And i am in those mood. 

Being the leader in a community would certainly a burden. The soft word would be responsibility. Being selected as one of the community was beyond my control. And what makes me feels the heat, after all effort i try to do and try to be as responsible as i can, after all achievement that we had obtained, i hate it when there is a person vaguely doubt my role and criticise what i am capable of.

F word.

It was not that i couldn't accept critics or improvement on weakness, it just i know what that person actually meant anyway.

P/s: I really hate this happened during the full moon. Tears.

Happy 3rdmonthsary!!

Pray for the good health, infinite rizq and barakah, live happily in dunya and lasting till jannah. 

♡ L.O.V.E   Y.O.U   H.U.B.B.Y ♡


This Blog is the original thought of the writer. Any dissatisfaction will not be entertain.