
I'm having sore throat. So far no sign of flu and fever. Pray hard not infected to those. Preventive action, clinic medicine-check. Sore throat medicine-check. Tamarind drink-check. Cap badak drink-check. And my so-called-dinner. 

Can't pamper myself to hubby though. :(


It's 1230 am. I must get some sleep. Sunday is a working day for me. It must be the quick nap in days effect. Or too much absorbing things today. Calling the husband, just to say that i miss him badly. Misses his voice and jokes. Misses his present. No other intention.

I should get some sleep. Quite a big day tomorrow and also the day after tomorrow. Pray that all will smoothly in the track. I should get some sleep. To shoo away the light headache that's came to me. Came in this late evening. 

I should go to sleep. The stomach had woke up. Calling for food. I decided to only fullfill the stomach's wish tomorrow. Yeah, breakfast. 

I should go to sleep. It's getting late. Let alone the world and its problem. Should continue picking up those tomorrow. Now, to set aside the mess up and live happy and freely. 

Heat and Hate

Obviously those two words bring negative meaning. And i am in those mood. 

Being the leader in a community would certainly a burden. The soft word would be responsibility. Being selected as one of the community was beyond my control. And what makes me feels the heat, after all effort i try to do and try to be as responsible as i can, after all achievement that we had obtained, i hate it when there is a person vaguely doubt my role and criticise what i am capable of.

F word.

It was not that i couldn't accept critics or improvement on weakness, it just i know what that person actually meant anyway.

P/s: I really hate this happened during the full moon. Tears.

Happy 3rdmonthsary!!

Pray for the good health, infinite rizq and barakah, live happily in dunya and lasting till jannah. 

♡ L.O.V.E   Y.O.U   H.U.B.B.Y ♡


Today remarks that my visit schedule had come towards the end for Audit Planning of 2014. Released but had lots of works to complete. Will be push to the limit till end of this year for work papers and reports. 

Can't wait meeting the husband next week :) and can't wait for the long holiday afterwards. Weehuu. Pray that everything will run smoothly. 

Plan for the not-so-call-weekend-holiday, house chores !!! (^_^)//


Listening to others stories and tolds, somehow i should value everything in my life. To be inspired and learned the lesson. I shouldn't ask for more and be grateful instead. 

Stop sulking, fara. Cherish everything and worship to Him as the life would end tomorroww.

Kaca jernih

Kaca-kaca jernih gugur hari ini. 

Di sebalik saat-saat indah dan apa semuanya yang berlaku hari ini yang gembira dan membuatkan hati lapang, membuatkan hati senang. Memang indah. Dihargai. Sungguh. Serasa apa yang semua diusaha, apa yang dikorban, bersengkang mata, jerih dan tenaga, tiada apa yang lebih menenangkan jiwa. 

Tapi kaca jernih gugur.

Saya rindu kesayangan saya.

Di sebalik semua perkara-perkara gembira, 


Setiap hari tiram hujan. Petang dan malam. Orang kata itu peralihan monsun. Kadang-kadang bila pagi atau tengahari, tiram jerebu. Panas sekali cuaca. Walau apa pun, ia ketentuanNya. 


Dan kerinduanku pada hujan, seperti selalu. Wangi bauan. Ahh, ketagih kerananya. 

Itu pun syukur.

Happy 28th Birthday

Hey, happy birthday to me. Signify a year older.
My first year celebrating birthday as a wife.
Thanks for the well wishes received from friends and families.

To be a faith person to Allah and Rasul. To keep on strong in every situation. To keep on standing tall to the loved one in every situation. To be a good and solehah wife and daughter.


Favourite month arrived!

Hey, its November.
One of the favourite month of the year beside of May and September.


110 kmph


Driving cik chenta back to home sweet home alone.

Rising the adrenaline of speed, maximum volume blast of radio, air conditioner off, quarter window, enjoying the wind.

Singing to the song. And there it goes, remembering him. **tsktsktsk

I hate the feeling. Very much.

Reached home just right the Maghrib's azan end.

(-.- )

I miss my husband.

Despite of reasoning the days and nights that only 2 weeks of calculation that we were far apart, still left the waiting of 5 weeks before we could unite.

I miss to laugh together with him.
I miss to tease him.
I miss to pamper myself with him.
I miss to cook imperfect meal for him.
I miss to nag to him.
I miss to see him fall asleep.
I miss to see him driving.

Oh, i just miss him.
Perhaps, no reason is required.

This is good :))

I came across this stuff when shopping last 2 week. And it taste good. Yummy :D

Lesson learnt

Been at the house, I'd watched HBO, FOX MOVIES & CINEMAX. Thanks to hubby for the packages included in the ASTRO subscription. Sometimes, through other experiences we could learn something. Just to let go the thought that ours' weren't so bad. Weren't that suck. Weren't the worst.

Despite of everything happened in this past years, I prayed for the strong me. Hanging onto Him for guides, patience and soothness. Just to believe, there must be something good awaits me.


Sometime the hormone isn't makes sense.  Out of nowhere it appears and made me cry on certain occasion or on sensitive issue. Hey heart! to keep on strong, have faith to Allah, recite Quran regularly and to mentally prepares. For all the things happened and to be happen must have a reason and hikmah. Seek for His guide and forgiveness. Amin.

Despite of

Despite of living on my own after married, lots of people worried about me. Too many people questioning the same. As far as I'm concerned, Alhamdulillah life is good. The routine more or less the same when I'm single.

And this signed that, they do care of me :)

Our home

Alhamdulillah. Life is getting good. That's our home as viewed from satelitte image. :)

Will be missing him for approximately 2 months. Hope that everything will be okay for both of us. InsyaAllah. 

Keep strong!

Aja aja fighting!

To keep strong Puan Fara.
May all your tears are worthwhile. 
For every whatever reason, keep on smiling.

For the new life you're living on, may everything will be ease by Him. Seek for guidance, more more and lots more patience. For the new life you're facing off, to keep calm in whatever situation.  

Sincerely, I am too afraid moving on to something new. Afraid that I am trying too hard that the heart can't take it anymore.

Keep calm, keep strong - Puan Fara.

Officially married

Alhamdulillah. Praise to Allah for the great gift in life ever ~ a husband. Nearly a week we've been married. Going through the life together, would be a new challenges for us. Adapting the situation and changes. Learning the strengths,  weaknesses and flaws. To be sensible and responsible. Understanding~ 

P/s : I'm officially so in love with him. *grinned*

One more day

To change the tittle from 'Cik' to 'Puan'


Early flu fever

I'm suffering the early symptom of flu fever. The environment was not so good. My housemates were suffering with gastric fever and eye infection. While at the office some of the colleagues having flu fever.

Yet, I know the ultimate reason why the antibody was weak. Its the rain. For four days straight. Serve you fara, for not using the umbrella.

I need rest.

Word of the day

Distributing the wedding card today at the office. Enjoying the word of the day~

♡ si darah manis :)
♡ bakal pengantin (^_^)
♡ tahniah!
♡ macam mana persiapan?
♡ berdebar tak?

P/s: wish you could be here my dear, enjoying the heat and wave of another 11 days towards the big day :) .grinned.

Keep calm

For each test and obstacle that He sent to me, I pray for the strong me. To keep calm in whatever situation. To reasoning the good and bad. I know that I had Him, the Merciful to be relied on. 

Keep calm, farahiyah.


For next week


30 days to go

To be his wife.



Tahun ini tahun terakhir merasai nikmat menyambut Ramadhan dan Syawal sebagai 'single person'. Tahun-tahun akan datang akan jadi double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple and septuple.

Grinned :)

Cherish the moment, fara~

Al-kisah Aidilfitri

Isnin | 28.07.2014

Kluang - Ayer Hitam - Layang-Layang - Parit Raja - Ayer Hitam

Selasa | 29.07.2014

Ayer Hitam - Nilai - Banting - Kuala Langat - Sg Jai - Beranang

Rabu | 30.07.2014

Beranang - Alor Pongsu - Jeram - Tapah - Rawang - Ayer Hitam - Kluang

Khamis | 31.07.2014

Kluang - Permas Jaya - Felda Taib Andak - Bandar Tenggara - Kluang

Nikmat Ramadhan dan Seri Syawal

Syukur kepada Allah diberikan kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkah tahun ini. Syukur juga kerana diberikan kekuatan untuk berjaya tamat 30 juzuk pada malam terakhir Ramadhan. 

Serinya Syawal tahun ini, tidak tahu bagaimana untuk digambarkan. Barangkali tidak begitu seri pun. Sungguh-sungguh dimohon segala kekuatan untuk menempuhi segala apa jua situasi yang mendatang. Sungguh-sungguh dimohon dikuatkan hati untuk melalui hari-hari mendatang dengan penuh ikhlas. 

Ya Allah. Permudahkan segala urusan dunia akhirat ku. Amin.


Alhamdulillah, dipermudahkan segala urusan. Berjaya dengan 'jayanya' untuk menghantar permohonan kebenaran nikah. (^__^)//.

Enjoying the preparation

DIY work in progress.

2,500 pcs. Fuhhh~

Missing him :))

2 weeks left till Syawal

Alhamdulillah. Its 2 week of Ramadhan. Going back to and from the office, the radio had aired the raya song. Listening to the evergreen's song felt that as i'm longing to go home. :) Terasa di perantauan gitu.. By the way, the legendary song of Ahmad Jais on Selamat Hari Raya was my favorite, and its aired today on my way home from office.

Ahlan wa sahlan Syawal.

This made me happy~

This whole thing totally made me sad. I just don't know how to fix everything. Counting days for the big day that come closer for another 64 days. I just felt everything isn't right. Almost every night I kept on crying, thinking how to solve this in the best way, how to go through the big day's preparation all by my own. And its not surprising me that I knew long time ago, after all its always be me, myself. 

I am seriously looking forward to the big day. Wanted to be with him, cuddling, hoping for soothing words, to forget everything. Wish that I could easily erase it.

Seeing all this thing by myself was even more hurt. What mostly hurt me was acting like I didn't know anything. Feeling helpless for not capable to clear the air. 

Honestly, I am afraid for the future. And honestly, I am not the tough person as people see me.

Its Ramadhan~

Alhamdulillah, diberi peluang untuk dipertemukan dengan Ramadhan sekali lagi. Sehari sebelum Ramadhan, meraikan suasana panas dengan menyejukkan tekak bersama aiskrim :))

Dengan kedatangan Ramadhan bulan yang penuh dengan rahmat dan kebaikan, didoakan dikurniakan sepenuh kekuatan untuk menempuh segala ujian, dugaan yang diberiNya pada makhlukNya yang mampu. Dipermudahkan segala urusan di dunia demi mengejar indahnya syurga.

Mengalirnya butir mutiara saban hari, memujuk hati bahawa ini tanda sayangnya Dia pada diri. Sesaknya dada menahan sarat kebimbangan, menahan pedihnya bebanan. Semoga Ramadhan kali ini akan sama dengan Ramadhan sebelumnya, bersama bahagia. Dan lainnya Ramadhan kali ini, dipanjatkan doa semoga dia masih hak milik kami.



I am being referred to the specialist. Expected to seek the doctor tomorrow, depends on the availability. On the other hand, I should be more thankful on the rahmah and whatever being lend to me by Him. This is also a reminder to me. 

Recorded by Bukhari in al-Adab ul-Mufrad (no. 493), verified authentic by al-Albani

"Expect good, because Allah (s.w.t.) makes a believer's sickness an expiation (for his sins) and a period of repose.  As for a disbeliever falling sick, he is like a camel whose owner ties it and then lets it loose --it does not understand why it was tied, nor why it was freed."

Too late?

Kadang-kadang, menyesal itu menusuk di jiwa. Tapi tak elok untuk tidak akur pada qada' dan qadar. Menyesal kerana tidak memberi perhatian sewajarnya. Menyesal untuk tidak mendampingi dia. Menyesal untuk tidak memahami isi hati dia. Menyesal kerana tidak berapa ambil kisah untuk semua. Sebab logik akal itu berkata, pasti semuanya baik-baik saja. Dan sekarang, takut sekali bila semuanya terlambat. Dan bila tersedar, tidak tahu mahu buat apa. 

Allah. Allahu. Allah. 

Mohon dipermudahkan segala. Dan dipohonkan segala kekuatan dari mereka-mereka yang menjadi belahan jiwa saya. Ditunjukkan segala jalan yang moga akan menjadi cahaya. 

Officially 3 years

Alhamdulillah. Today, I am officially 3 years at KMB. More years to come. Prays for a good year afterwards, good life, barakah in rizq and all good reasons and results. (^__^)//

Happy Birthday Dear Fiancee


When I'm reached to my weakest point, tears would be much a release. O Allah, please give me strength to face all obstacle and any test  that been sent to me.

Being istiqamah

Turn to a new leaf is definitely not an easy journey. Being istiqamah was the hardest part. Anyone could said to do this thing and that thing. But to continuously sustain and keep on the right pace wasn't that easy. 

I am talking to myself, specifically.

To be a good muslimah, properly covering the aurah as per syariah. I am slowly moving toward that. Yet, so many things had to let go. I am cleaning out my closet and adding some collections that newly bought. 

The Let It Go song would be a metaphor to this. :) Somehow, thinking back all over again, despite of had put on weight that force me to change the size from S to M or L, this is for good. Chasing the Jannah. 


Its matter of time

I miss him damn much~


I'd came across a video at one of the social media. And shared it at my wall. Indeed somehow there are some truth about the video. All about technology, social media, gadget and the unhealthy social life.

Looking back at my life history, I am a smartphone user since 2012. Bought a Blackberry due to working environment of frequent travelling. And late 2013 bought a Samsung due to become a postpaid user.

Afraid of the consequences as highlighted in the video, I prayed not to be one of the victim. Cherish the normal life and treat technology as one of the value added and tool to simplify the daily life, not dependent on it. 

At one point, I missed my Nokia 3310.


It must be the rain.
I always lose to rain.
Wasn't pampered myself either.

And today after three days of audit visit at the mill, it seems that I'd worn out. Despite of having fun on the learning process - heat, high, smell, grease, oil, cake, nut, shell, fiber, dirt, steam - I am ok. Until today.

Continuing the audit journey at another mill and I am about to faint just above the cages on the railing at the stereliser station.

Congrats fara! Its an indicator that you need a rest. (^_^)//


Fear is something that I'm not sharing with anyone. Discussing it publicly, specifically. Being the eldest in the family is mostly I'm feared about. Responsible for showing a good things, fullfill hopes and ambitions. And today the bff were discussing on parenting. That's fear me too. But people say a woman could do anything, surviving on most situation cause they are gifted with intuition. Despite of counting days to half complete the life cycle of a woman, that's also fear me too. Perhaps I've done too much of thinking or still not feel comfortable on the changes. Reminder to me, please stop over-analyzing things, make way for the naturality.

Hoping for strengths to face the fear. Not for joining the Fear Factor. 

One thing, learn to have less expectation or you'll grief. People say expectation will kill you.

Its been a year since


I hate when it comes to counting days. Pass through a day, going with the flow. And when busying myself and us on the preparation of the big day, I kept avoiding those days. Since we are still kept in the dark of the exact date, I'd remain silent. The tears no longer flow. Not until I really deeply thought about it. Developing myself, learning how to dealt with misses, accepting fate and feeling grateful for whatever He had plan for us. 

Until today, staring at the calendar and out of sudden I bluntly said the word - It keep closer. Time flies by. I should savour all moments. 

I will certainly miss you much.


Not even close 100% to that~ (- -')


Aizat - Years From Now

What will I be years from now
What will l wear how will I look
I think too much I think too much

Sometimes its scary over thinking
What you have or haven't done
You think too much you think too much

Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing trentrous game
And the star much shine
The color seems so blurry

Will I end up all alone
Without a shoulder to cry on

What will I be years from now
I have answered them but none have answered me
And when my time has come
I hope my last seconds in this life will have you
Will have you

Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing trentrous game
And neglect most people views
Seems so worthy


I miss him, even for a day~ 


I had my weight today.

48.6 kg

Never ever in my life been weight that.


When drove off back to the house after work yesterday, I felt a sudden silent. Empty. And by thinking that probably I would repeating this same routine without a partner, without a company, single - hopeless.

Sooner or later you have to accept, Fara.

Be strong.

Date (^^,)//


We are one year together. One year period of learning each other well. Reminiscing memory of the past. Tears and heartache. Shy and pride. Only Him knows what I sees in him. The man who will protect me from any harm, who will shine my rainy days and share disgruntlement with.

Thank you Allah for sending him to me which full of weaknesses and flaws. Thank you for hearing my prays and thank you for the unlimited patience.

Am grateful. 

Freaking out!

The memorable 8 days course will be remembered. Programs that full with informative session and activities hopefully could be applied in daily life. Feels motivate and lively. Other than the tiring, torture and pain, everything was a good thing.

Until today, it freaked me out. I was on massage, and being told about the body condition. Sincerely, I kept thinking of that and started makes me worry. Seriously, I thought that it was a normal pain like the stomachache muscle pain. I'm searching for the info all day and hopefully this won't be lasted. 

.I am worried.


Keterujaan adik-adikku :)
On the morning before depart to Sungai Pelepah for teambuilding activity.

# we are E2 (^__^)//


Young Leaders Programme - Exceeding Expectations, Breakthrough Performance

As per above session in 2 days. If perused through the programme objective, personally I would like to say it was delivered in the negative way. To poison the mind and way of thinking of the possible young leaders. Perhaps I'm the only one who thinking of that. Perhaps I'd used to positive thinking. And by being feed with information in the negative way, I felt helpless. 

Dato' Siti

Day 2 - I'm a 'mock' Dato' Siti. Those star stickers collected during the session with the consultant. Accumulation of certain numbers will entitle you a mockery of Dato', Dato' Seri or Tan Sri. Personally for me, I didn't favor that. Participant would just chasing the stickers for personal benefit (even in this case it's worthless).

Off for 'vacation'

On 'vacation' for 8 days. Not far away from the office though. Nearly pass through Day 1. Knowing people and making friends with the great persons among the Group. So many things happened today with so many things had been learnt. Despite of being the sister in our hostel-house, the age of 28 years would not guarantee the wide experience in life. Adapting the situation, accepting the weirds and flaws - keep calm Farahiyah~

Being Siti for another seven and a half day.


It was only yesterday we'd talked about her kindness. About her specialty that we're proud of. Allah is much more powerful. Only He know what had been planned. And today, actually the night before we're receiving news saying that she's admitted to hospital due to blood pressure which had affected the brain. Sad. Knowing her kindness makes me sad. And knowing that she had 3 childrens was even sad. 

Sincerely, i'll miss her. Miss her kindness. Prays that she will be with the good people. InsyaAllah.  Al-fatihah to Anna Lisa Mahat.

Homework :)

This is homework. More to comes~
Tapi yang ni pun tak siap lagi..haha


Allah itu tidak akan menguji hambaNya dengan sesuatu yang ia tidak mampu. Dipohonkan doa supaya dikuatkan hati, dikuatkan iman, dikuatkan diri, dikuatkan semangat untuk menghadapi segala dugaan, rintangan dan cabaran. Amin.

His sadness

My sweetheart had his bad day. And I don't know how to calm him in the best way. I wish I could ease him by ....



Jarang buat selfie :D
This was taken when I'm trial-and-error to decide which hijab style to use for E-Day.

Bachelor's Party

Thanx to aunt and cuzzie. Despite of our frustration we've so much fun back there at Genting Highland Theme Park. To continuosly celebrating me, I am sorry guyz can't make it to the Sunway Lagoon Resort even the place are clearly tempting (^__^). 


Sometime I do face - the thing that I call the gloomy day. Please blame the hormone which come once in a blue moon. Yet I tried to control and keep it to the minimum level so that it will not ruin other people's day. And what did I love about my fiancé was, despite of his silly jokes that kept nagging me about the moody mood, he was doing the right thing. Cheering me up so that the sunshine would come out shoo away the gloomy day.

Ahh, Heaven.


7 months plus to go through~

Single day!

Today would be the last day I'm being single. 
A day with mixture of feeling.



Congratulations Siti Farahiyah, one step closer to follow the Prophet Sunnah.

Going well?

Sounds weird when one of the sister asking the question. She's just concern, perhaps. 
Seeing that i'm not doing anything and keep calm. :D 

And my reply.

" ok je, tapi dalam hati tuhan je tau :) "

And the preparation for initial family's meeting was going well. Settling things, touch up here and there and organizing everything. Less is more. *wink*


I am his

For any obstacles faced, please put this as reminder, fara
- To always remember the good deed done by him
- To always remember the sweetest of him
- To always remember its the test by Him

Put your chin up and smile.

And now I know, that I am his.
Assured :)

Feeling loved~

May all the thing plan be as it is, InsyaAllah. Sincerely, I could not afford losing him except to Allah :) .Somehow, I kept wondering what kind of drug that I've been addicted to. Toxicated. Drowning. Feeling high. 

For the 9 months that we had been together, and for another 9 months for the big day of unite. InsyaAllah,  lasting till Jannah.

And today is working day. Yup, its Sunday. Officially Monday Blues could be change to Sunday Blues..hihi :D


This Blog is the original thought of the writer. Any dissatisfaction will not be entertain.